Friday, December 30, 2011

What I'm Saying is..........

So I'm not saying anything in this blog could or would pertain to you and of course I'm not saying quit your job to do any of these things. And lastly I'm certainly not saying that doing anything I post will make you a millionaire . But If your in need of help in a tough time of your life both the financial points on better controlling your out going cash will help and the "odd" jobs I will talk about will help keep you at least at water level if not a little higher until you can get back on track.

 The first thing you should realize and think about which I didn't until just very recently is whether you have a great job with great pay or a crappy job with crap pay is that other then your annual raise if your lucky enough to receive one or a promotion you can't really control your pay. Well in a way that's better put like this you have control over you you want more its up to you to go get it and really your the only one who can stop you, But the reality we all face is with out risking your security and switching careers or professions how can you control your income. Lets say your sitting down doing your monthly bills ( A very important thing to do instead of just pay what ever when ever and we all know we've all done it!) but anyway so your doing your bills and money is tight so what do you do ? You say I need more money!!!! Ok so wake up the next morning and go make more money problem solved yeah you can't make more if your salaried at $50,000 you can't work longer or harder and get paid more so you need to "find" money somewhere the next posting will show some ways and examples of what you can do and follow my progress as I post what I do as I do it and it will also be tweeted with results #myshitinablog on twitter.

By this point your asking who is this guy and why would I follow or take advice from him well I hope you do follow and its not really advise per say I'm an average working family man dealing with all the same stuff every other average Joe is dealing with and I knew I needed to do something and soon So really everything I post will be what I tried to make some cash and if it worked or not reason I feel it did or didn't and what steps I took to achieve success . I am also on an exodus of my debt sort of speak I did a few things that not only cut my bills but improved my life and life style with the most simple tweaks it was like DUH!!! I hope you follow me on this journey and I really hope something I post helps you even alittle. Till Next time..........

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How I got Here

So like most I had a good maybe not great job but it paid the bills and I was getting by then money got tight and I was presented with a "great" income job, well after leaving my job to pursue this new career I quickly found out the grass isn't always greener . So now what? well unemployment won't necessarily pay you if you willing leave your employment even if your "scammed" sort of speak or more P.C. not fully told the truth...
So you do this do that do Ebay apply for every possible job and nothing or at least not enough. So I started thinking and said well I got a will to work and a working body and mind so I started thinking back to when I was younger and thought about how I made money then HMMM??? well selling candy and stickers to my classmates probably won't work and with all the regulations I probably can't bake in my kitchen and sell my cookies to people then it hit me . When I got out of school I started cleaning gutters its a dirty scary job that no one wants to do but needs to get done but I had high paying  managerial positions do I really want to climb on peoples roofs and scoop slime and crude out of their gutters? the answer NO NO NO!!! but did I want to live in the woods in a box because my pride didn't want to get dirty? well that answer was definitely NO NO NO HELL NO!!!! So I started cleaning peoples gutters and we'll touch on this and how I got started etc. later through out posts. But the point is no matter what we did before and no matter how bad it gets there's always something we can do if we allow ourselves to be open to it and do it when faced with survival

Intro: A back story about me and where this blog will take us

In these troubling hard and uncertain times we will all feel financial pain in one way or another. Even in the best of times and through out time bad things happen to good people. I'm not going to write on and on about how to "Get Rich" (but if you have any solid ideas please share with me lol!!!) There are numerous books and blogs about that some good some bad some with wells of information and step by step instruction and others with little instruction and a lot about the way the author got rich. All of that is great but when you hit hard times and not sure what to do would these books really help? can you be on hard times and become a land developer? Do you have unlimited funds for a start up? Probably not or you wouldn't be on hard times.

This blog is going to be about the things you can do that I know work because I made a full time career out of doing these things hence the name "crazy shit to do to get by". we will cover
1)quick things to generate quick money
2)honest work for honest pay
3)where and how to start (and how I started with a .89 cent can a spray paint)
4)mistakes I made to avoid
5)an on going account of how while trying to increase my money in and decreasing my money out
6)and crazy random stories that happen as I do these types of work that most people can't believe happens

So I hope you follow wether your looking for extra cash ideas or in need of a new career or just want to see what crazy things I post next I'd be more then happy to have you as a follower on this new journey of my ever evolving life.

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