Monday, January 2, 2012


So by switching to a different car we would save like half of our gas expenses so now we can use that for the phone bill. By lowering our payments and fuel consumption on a new vehicle we not only would have a new car but the savings would pay for the lights,cable and phone and possibly even a tank of gas!! Now that's obvious and of course everyone can't just go do that nor will it always help but it was just a start that idea got me thinking how great that would be i wonder what else we can save on? Now the next thing that happened I sure will not happen to most if anyone reading this but if it ever does just remember never look a gift horse in the mouth what that means? who knows but ask your parent or grandparent its just one of those things I heard growing up but read what happened and the meaning may become clear.  My life like most people has ups and downs but my downs are usually so often and so low that what you may never give a second thought to is a huge up in my life. Getting back to the car situation , While were looking for a new car and we got down to the final few to choose between my wife's Grandfather Died and he didn't want a service so she wasn't going to go anywhere until her whole family decided to go and do something regardless of his wishes so of course she didn't want to be the only on that didn't go , But then she couldn't get coverage for work to take the time off so now again she's not going . But at the last minute she got it sorted out with work and could now go and she was able to catch a ride with her sister to save on gas. The whole family goes they have a service and then go to clean out his house and He bought a little SUV cash will like zero mileage and no one needed it so they all said to her why doesn't she just take it someone needs to drive it back up to home and if you like it keep it . Of course I told her I don't care if you hate it deal with it for now but luckily she does like it. We sold her truck for a lot less then we wanted but enough to pay it off and a bit well this really jump started my saving exodus we were talking getting something new to save enough to cover some utility bills now were saving at least $750 that like 3/4 off my mortgage or more!!! So now my goal is to first save enough to cover the house payments then hopefully surpass that amount and start putting money back into savings.
 I'm sitting here writing and smoking as I mentioned smoking before however this time I'm smoking an E-Cigarette not only does it curb my cravings its also not pumping tar and over 500 other chemicals and carcinogens into my system and I have a pack of good 'ol Marlboro reds sitting right here and they remain untouched because I really get my fix from these E-Cigs OH and did I mention between me and my wife we would buy a pack a day each ? Even though I live in the south the tobacco center of the world people smoke while pumping gas down here you know babies breast feed and then kick back with a Winston LOL!!! So a pack of smokes is relatively cheap so between $4.50-$6.00 I know you New Yorkers paying $13-$16 are packing up and getting ready to move.. I know I did and here I am and still not happy with the cash wasted on something hats gonna also kill me. O.K. do the math:
lets say $5.00 average per pack x 7 packs per week x two smokers = $70.00 x 4 weeks = $280.00
The E-Cigarette cost $19.99 the filter last equal to 2 packs refills are 5 for $19.99 they last for a cartons worth of cigarettes which is 10 packs.
Initial cost for first month for me and my wife would be $19.99 x 2 =$39.98
enough filters to equal the 56 packs we would have bought is 28 so say 5 packs (because they come with a filter equal to two packs)  of 5 filters at $19.99 = $99.95 plus initial cost of $39.98 = $139.93
Real cigarettes $280-Ecigarettes $139.00 = $141.00 to start Great!
ongoing real cigarettes $280 - E-Cigarettes $99.95 = $180.05 There the lights and cable paid for again or
$180  + the $750 Car savings = $930 per month leaving less then an eighth of my mortgage to pay!!! and I didn't stop there. Stay tuned !!!!

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